
Child Protection Lead Personnel at Weelsby

If you have any concerns about the safety of anyone at Weelsby Academy, please speak to either Miss Smith (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Miss Davenport (Head of Academy, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead) Miss Price (Vice Principal, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead) or Miss Williams (Assistant Principal, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Our Academy Safeguarding Policy can be found here.

You could also speak with Childline or the NSPCC.  See below for their contact Information.

Weelsby Academy recognises it has a vital role to play in promoting the welfare and safety of children and young people.  We have a statutory and moral duty to support all pupils and we want everyone to feel safe and enjoy their time with us.

The safeguarding of our pupils is given the highest priority – from the appointment of staff, governors, volunteers and contractors and the required checking procedures, to the curriculum itself and the academy’s activities both on and off site.

Weelsby Academy teams up with other services and agencies to share information and work together to protect our pupils from harm and to help them to achieve.  The welfare and safety of our pupils is of paramount importance.

All staff and adults involved in school life have a responsibility to safeguard our pupils.  We train all our staff on Safeguarding issues including policies and procedures.  Hannah Smith is our Designated Safeguarding Lead. Catherine Davenport, Emma Price and Jasmine Williams are our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads.

Should you have any safeguarding concerns about your own or any of our children at Weelsby Academy, please make contact with either the school or any of the agencies which can be found on the external contact page of this section.

For further help or information, please contact us on (01472) 806778 or email us at:

External Support

For further information, please visit:

The below web link is a website for families/parents to get advice on a range of things such as self-harm, online grooming, bereavement and a range of other topics. It provides parents with a range of information around that particular topic and also signposts to other information/resources.

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