
Our Intent 

Our curriculum is designed to develop confident, able mathematicians. We aim to give them a wide range of knowledge and skills, skills to reason and problem solve. We intend for our pupils to be able to apply their mathematical knowledge to science and other aspects of everyday life such as technology and finance. We inspire and excite pupils by encouraging risk-taking through rewarding process rather than the final outcome. We aim to meet the needs of all children and therefore work through interventions to address any misconceptions.  

By the end of KS2 intend for all children to:  

  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics 
  • Solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of problems, including those unfamiliar to them 
  • Reason, enquire and explain their answers with confidence 


The Same Day Intervention Strategy is a trust-wide approach to develop fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills in maths. It takes place every day across two sessions each lasting approximately 30 minutes. This approach to mathematics teaching aims to ensure that no pupil is left behind, built on a culture that everyone can achieve. The lesson is structured to allow marking and assessment time in the middle of the session, in order to provide appropriate intervention immediately to address any misconceptions as well as provide appropriate challenge.

The core principles of the Same Day Intervention strategy are as follows:

  • Teaching input and high quality modelling to the whole class. Each concept is modelled step-by-step to ensure all learners can keep up. After modelling using an ‘I do, you do’ approach, pupils answer some questions independently. This whole section lasts approximately 30 minutes and promotes active collaborative and independent learning.
  • Pupils then have approximately 15 minutes away from their teacher (attending an assembly, arithmetic/times tables activity or break) while the teacher marks their answers using a rapid marking code. During this progress pit-stop, the teacher can group the children based on which pupils need that extra support, and which learners need to develop their depth of understanding.
  • The remaining 30 minutes of the lesson is an intervention session, where the teacher groups children together based on how they answered the independent questions so that they can efficiently address common misconceptions. The aim is to use the additional support to ensure that all children reach a certain level of understanding by the end of the day, preventing an achievement gap from forming.
Summary of lesson structure
Whole class inputPing-pong style teaching – I do, you do – high quality modelling. Differentiation through support, use of manipulatives and questioning.
Diagnostic task5 – 6 progressively challenging questions towards ARE. Mainly fluency with elements of reasoning.
Lesson Break (Progress pit-stop)Marking time to assess and group pupils
Same day intervention sessionImmediate intervention or challenging practise for pupils.

Rationale for the Same Day Intervention Strategy

The strategy was developed in order to support and develop teaching and learning across our trust. The Strategy aims to:

  • Provide a systematic approach to mathematics teaching.
  • To improve outcomes for even more children in regards to mathematics.
  • To improve attainment in mathematics.
  • To have a positive impact on children’s attitudes and resilience towards mathematics.
  • Ensure that all children across the trust are exposed to challenging activities based on their starting points and support children in becoming inquisitive problem solvers.
  • Allow for better collaboration both within individual schools in year groups and across academies to share best practice.
  • Reduce teacher workload through shared planning and resourcing.
  • Fast paced effective marking to support pupil progress.
  • Draw upon the expertise of teachers across the academy trust to support colleagues


The children of Weelsby Primary Academy value the importance of Mathematics. The children can make rich connections across mathematical ideas as a result of developing fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated, contextual problems. Above all, the children have a genuine love of the subject and are engaged and excited about learning. Through high quality teaching, guidance and immediate assessment through SDI, children make rapid progress throughout the year.